Thursday, 1 September 2011

165 Days Twin Tunnels

Today i had quite a spectacular dive! Neil and i loaded the boat with all the scuba gear and head off to the yacht club to launch the boat. on arrival we met a oak from Australia (very nice guy). shortly after, two Americans and three Japanese guys joined us for a breath taking trip to Tulagi (island), one hour from the Guadalcanal -my home island. On our trip i saw flying fish! it leaped out the water and glided through the air for about 100m or more (o_0) it was amazing.

Once we had gotten close to the site Sam went to the front of the boat to search for the underwater mooring and proceeded to dive into the deep blue to tie the boat up. after rigging up, we were in the water on our decent to the Twin Tunnels. I was a little scared because it was my first dive out at sea.. it took me a few minutes to ease into it but thereafter i was all good. the twin tunnels are a pair of tunnels next to each other, each with a diameter of about 8m. the entrance to the tunnels start at 15m and descend to about 40m under the sea. What a phenomenal experience this was! how the sun rays glistening in the water fading to darkness the deeper we submerged into the black hole. we exited the tunnel into on to the coral reef wall to see my first shark ever! he was swimming about 30 meters away, back and forth, very intrigued with us being there.

We made our way along the wall until we reached the top to see the most spectacular view I'd ever seen! filled with coral life and thousands upon thousands of fish and aquatic life! i had schools of fish, different shapes and sizes swim a meter or two away from me. before i knew it i only had a few bars of air left and had to ascent to the surface and come back to reality. i don't really have the words to describe the things i saw and the way it made me feel! ... I'm sure you've all seen the movie Avitar? the main character (guy in the wheel chair) never wants to leave those blue people because life is so simple and beautifully amazing?? its like that... i get lost in time and space, its so spectacularly beautiful and most surreal! 

This goes down in my books as one of the most amazing things i have ever experienced! ! ! no doubt about it!

Sun setting on our trip back

Sam with two Japanese having lunch

A base from WWII

Back to Guadalcanal

Dugout by hand by prisoners of war

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