Sunday, 4 September 2011

162 Days

This morning i had 8 tourists from different parts of the world come dive with us. After packing the truck and waiting for all the guests to arrive. soon after, we head off to Bonegi  beach to dive on the Kyushu ship wreck.  I was quite excited because i had not dived at this site before and was keen to see the remainders of the empty vessel. It was quite a mission entering the water because it was very rocky and the waves were a lil rough, while you're carrying 15-20kg of gear on you back. Once we had reached the wreck i was a little bit disappointed. It wasn’t really what i was expecting, the front end of it didn’t really look much like a ship at all. Apparently in WWII it embanked itself on the beach to off load supplies and was bombed by American aircraft and kinda just sat on the beach with the back end of it sinking into the deep blue. Americans set up a base on Tulagi and used the ship as target practice and that's why the front end of it looks the way it does.

Upon swimming through the mangled metal we found a used cannon shell (about half a metre in length)! It was so cool holding a piece of history in my hands. Never mind diving on a battle ship! I made my way to the back end of the ship at a starting depth of 40 meters and couldn’t make out how deep the end was, it kinda just disappears into the blue. So exciting!  I experienced the coolest thing... i swam through a school of fish (minimum 10 000) little buggas the size of your pinkie. Everywhere you look you're surrounded by all these lil fishies! I was a little disorientated for a minute or so, i didn’t know up from down –left from right. haha, I then saw a turtle gracefully swim passed!  It was absolutely epic!

I must say it was a good day for diving! I spent the rest of the afternoon chilling with Sam and Victor (Neils staff), having lunch, playing guitar and seeing a nice bola ;) the way a Sunday should be spent =D later that evening i called home and had a cool conversation with my foks J haha, i wished my pops a happy fathers day. He responded buy saying its not fathers day, lol... it was fathers day here so i guessed i’d wish him 'happy happy' anyway... I'm so bad with dates of things (if i ever had to miss your birthday - please forgive me) lol.

Stop for lunch on Tulgai

U.S.S. Landing Ship Tank

Adam's new toy (under water cam)

The daily catch

Good vs Evil

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