I had woken up feeling like death because i went to bed at 4am chatting to peeps back home- ahh, how I miss you all! With only 4 hours sleep we were off to Bonegi 02 for the final two open water dives that Jamie had to complete for his course (4 in total). Once we had finished our diving for the day. Neil asked if we could give him a helping hand at the hyperbaric chamber that he and my aunt run. This chamber is used for people that get “bent” in diving. What this means is, that when you diving at deep depths and if you ascend too quickly the air in your lungs expand extremely quickly and this causes lots for air bubbles to be squeezed into the blood stream (could also rupture a lung) . If the ascent isn’t slowed down the bubbled in the blood stream become lodged and continue to expand with the water pressure getting less. This becomes excruciatingly painful for the diver. Then they get thrown into the chamber for hours on end. We would put them under pressure and slowly decrease the pressure so the bubbles in the blood stream would be breathed out normally - Just some interesting info for all you readers =D
I came home, cleaned my gear and then crashed for an awesome afternoon nap. When i woke up Yo and Neil weren’t home. They were treating someone in the hyperbaric chamber that had gotten bent the day before. I made supper for when they got home – it was pretty dam good, which is a first for me J
The odd persons on the beach
Did I mention my dad was a police diver? When he started diving in the 70s they didn't even know about the bends. They'd do crazy stuff like filling their BCs with air and race to the surface, literally popping out of the water like corks! That his lungs can still take a packet of Gunston every day in his sixties must be a miracle :)