Monday, 12 September 2011

154 Days

Sorry for the late blog but i been busy the last few days. i received some underwater pictures from Adam with a few photo shop programs that I've been spending allot of time messing around with. So keep your eyes pealed for some amazing pics to come in the next few days.

On Monday. Sam, Vanessa and her husband (from Brazil but living in Hong Kong) joined me for a dive on the Jap sub 40km East of my location in Honiara. the 3 of them sat in front of the truck with me on the back, i got some amazing pictures that you'll see in the next few days.

we made our way out to sea. its about a 300m swim before we descend off the coral reef to make our way to the submarine. the currents were quite strong which made it quite difficult to maneuver in and out of the sub. Vanessa nicked her leg on a piece of metal protruding from the rusted submarine. i felt quite bad but at least she has something to take home with her, lol. (battle scares! you gotta love them)
After spending 15 minutes around the sub (exploring and taking pics) we had to make our way back with 100 bars to spare or else we wouldn't have enough air in our tanks to get back to shore. we just made it with about 10 bars to spare *sigh of relief*

We then traveled to an American B-17 bomber on our way back to the shop. on arrival the sea was a lil choppy which made it a little tricky to enter and exit the water. every time i dive at a site I've been before i always seem to find and notice a stack of things i didn't see before. i found some gauges that were still intact from the cockpit from when it was shot down by the Japanese anti air craft artillery guns. Pretty epic after 70 years of just sitting there!

here are some pictures from the beach & the back of the truck - hope you enjoy! (each tell a story)

6 fragile Hearts found on the beach

Dusty road

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