Wednesday, 31 August 2011

170 - 166 Days

Hey all you Beautiful people that follow my blog =D

Sorry for not blogging for the last few days :'( I've had very bad flu and was in no state to post any blogs - i was out for the count (o_0)

Here are a few pictures i took to make up for lost time:

Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

Father and Son - Very friendly local fishermen

A new friend i made on the beach =D

Mario + Antonio -i don't know what's up with that speedo Mario?? Antonio taught me a lesson about life that I'll never forget!

Instead of playing X-Box the local boys go fishing for fun in their dugout canoe

A local boy with amazing natural blonde hair (o_0)

1 comment:

  1. Hay Bro!

    Ive also been sick and feeling rotten, so I hope you get better soon!

    Love you lots!
