Not a very productive day. lol. i just helped Neil with a few odds and ends with the scuba shop. he wants to make a mooring buoy for his boat because all the locals keep stealing them and using them for pot plants and crazy things like that *face palm*. I downloaded google sketch up and worked on a lil project of designing him one. i must say it looks dam shweet! dimensioned and everything! i was quite impressed with myself (o_0)
sorry for the short blog but nothing really crazy and exciting happened.
here are some more pictures from my trip so far:
Beautiful blue sea
The hi way - speed limit 50km/h
Shells i picked up on my first dive. got home and crabs came out to play (kinda) and then died :(
Local women traditional dance
Cool dog (o_0)
Hahaha, awesome! (not so much about the crabs!) but everything else!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I have to say, I havent read your blogs for the past few days, been very sick with bronchitis and sleeping all day etc. Feeling a bit better today, My first day of a full days work without having to go home coz i feel aweful! So, im sorry, but Im here now!