Wednesday, 24 August 2011

174 Days

I went on my 5th dive today with Neil and Sam, and explored more of the ship wreck (i apologize for the incorrect information i posted in one of my earlier blogs- the ship wreck is actually 150m long - pretty darn big!). I went to a depth of 32 metres which was was amazing! upon entering one of the gaping holes in the ship i scratched the back of my leg on a piece of rusted metal that protruded. at first i thought the rusted metal had left black marks and so i started to rub it vigorously to try get these marks off. The more i rubbed it the more black it would get. i came to the realisation that the depth we were at colours seem to change/fade. the first colour to disappear is red and the black marks on my leg were in fact blood (o_0) lol was kinda cool in a way? i saw many weird and wonderful things on this dive. i saw my very first star fish- its was a light blue colour :p a clown fish tail whipped my regulator (my mouth piece) cos i was trying to catch one of the little ones, it was quite funny.

later that evening i went to the yacht club. its the only place here that has a dress code :p you have to be wearing any form of shoes and not wearing a wife beater (vest), lol. i watched the sun set and had a few beers by myself - it was all to amazing. Yolande joined me a little later for supper after she had finished work. i had a burger that was soooo good :)

they had a raffle running and asked for a volunteer to come up and draw the lucky winner. seeing as it was my first time there i decided i would do it. it was a little nerve racking at first but it was good fun handing out the prizes to the winners :) shortly after we had a local school perform some traditional dances. it was very exciting and i got a a lil snap happy with my camera, lol. they called on the audience to come up and dance but everyone was so rapped up in there conversations that not many people did. A sweet young girl came up to me and asked me if i would like to have a dance with her (if you don't know, i don't dance very well). i knew i wouldn't get this sort of opportunity again and didn't want to regret not doing it. so i stood up, she took my hand and practically dragged me onto the dance floor. i had so much fun (looking like an idiot) - all the locals were making jokes on how white men cant dance. its was kinda hard cos the were playing their traditional music (o_0) at the end of the dance she gave me her lei - it was really beautiful and the flowers smelt amazing!

oh and good news... Yolande said i could post a few more pictures :) i hope you like them (from today)

The Lonely Bench

Clam Seas

Sitting, Watching, Waiting

School boys traditional dance

My Lei

1 comment:

  1. Bro, your blog looks awesome!
    Wheres the pic of the girl? Cute that she gave you her Lei :)
    Thanx for the pics :) That place looks beautiful!
    Love you & Miss you!
