Saturday, 22 October 2011

115 Days

On Saturday I made my way down stairs and met a lovely old geezer that has been in the Solomon’s for 3 weeks now. He is here repairing and servicing hospital equipment and was keen on doing some diving on his stay here in Guadalcanal. Sam and I took him down to Bonegi beach for a dive on the Hirokawa Maru ship wreck. Upon entering the water and making our decent to the mast at about 30m, Sam and i came across a diver that was in trouble. One of his regulators was constantly purging HUGE amounts of air! In a case like this your tank would be depleted in a little over a minute. We rushed over to help the guy and by the time we got to him he was already making an emergency accent with his dive buddy. I felt like I was quite prepared for something like this and knew exactly what to do J Sam and I escorted the couple to the surface and then continued our dive with our guest.

Later on that afternoon I joined Tegan at the Heritage Park Hotel for a few drinks and to watch the sunset next to the pool facing the sea, it was amazing. When we were joined by a friend of Tegan’s (I’m really bad with names, sorry) but she’s a helicopter pilot here on the Island – which is friken cool! The amazing sun had set and we made our way to the Taj mahal for supper where we met 6 men from the Australian military. I had a really awesome time because they were all in my age group which is not very common on the Island –they are also extremely funny men! I should hopefully be going to a Halloween party this weekend on the base depending if I can gain access or not.

After finishing dinner we made our way to the King Solomon Hotel for a few drinks in the pub, army boys included. Ha ha it was quite funny because the boys have all these rules they have to follow when off the base.  They not allowed to have any sort of alcohol, so every sip of beer I had I made it seem as if it tasted like heaven ;) they didn’t like me very much after that =D They all had a curfew and had to be back on base at 2300 hours. Tegan, her friend and I joined a group of pilots and we had a few drinks with them which was very entertaining before making our way to club Extreme to end off the night with a lil dancing J all in all I had an awesome night- met and experienced a whole lota new things :P

Savo Island

Comfy chair @ one of the dive sites


Dug out boats

Sam + me

Road kill

Road kill

Tegan + me

Jap Bullets (8)

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