Wednesday, 31 August 2011

170 - 166 Days

Hey all you Beautiful people that follow my blog =D

Sorry for not blogging for the last few days :'( I've had very bad flu and was in no state to post any blogs - i was out for the count (o_0)

Here are a few pictures i took to make up for lost time:

Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

Father and Son - Very friendly local fishermen

A new friend i made on the beach =D

Mario + Antonio -i don't know what's up with that speedo Mario?? Antonio taught me a lesson about life that I'll never forget!

Instead of playing X-Box the local boys go fishing for fun in their dugout canoe

A local boy with amazing natural blonde hair (o_0)

Saturday, 27 August 2011

171 Days

heya peeps (o_0)

so, i woke up at 12.30 from all the clubbing i did, with a seriously bad hangover and the heat made it a million times worse! lol Neil was down stairs loading the truck with scuba gear for a bunch of people from the Aus military. even though i was in a bad state i went down to help so i could get i the water! i go diving every chance i get! its such an amazing experience! All you guys should really try to experience it someday! I promise it'll change your life!

With the sea being so rough we took the new divers to the yacht club. its kinda in a bay area so isn't really effected by the raging water! we entered the water and it was not really a good day for diving. We had visibility of about 1m (o_0) kinda scary cos we cant keep our eyes on all 10 new divers. we would swim through the murky water and find each person to do the skills needed to complete the course.

the water did wonders for my hang over =D =D  lol. We arrived back home, cleaned the gear and prepared for supper. Yolande had 2 mates over for supper (Ally + Henk). they really cool people! really funny and good company to have =D Ally got me a motor cycle licence and i didn't even have to do anything to get it! haha and i thought corruption in SA was bad, lol! nah, I'm just kidding. She's a cool girl and did me a favour :) 

On the hi way heading home

Sam's t-shirt (i want one)

Ally"s new puppy =D

Lost footprints

On the back of the truck

Friday, 26 August 2011

172 Days

Sam and i played guitar in the afternoon. He plays so well and showed me a thing or two. I'm currently learning to play a song written by one of the locals in the 70's of how Honiara was started. So maybe i can play it for a few people when i get back. its all written in Wontok (the language here) but is so amazing and harmonic!

I wrote my final exam on my open water dive course with a beer and a smoke, haha now that's how exams should be written, lol. I'm sure i did  well :) but lets wait and see, I'll keep you guys posted.

Shortly after completing my exam Adam (a friend of Yolande - he runs one of the prisons here) picked me up for a night out on the town. i forgot the names of all the places we went to (maybe from all the beer -lol) but I'll tell you all about them and what they're like. Adam and i had supper at the Ocean View restaurant to start off the night, then the beers started flowing! We went to a pub up stairs and met some of his mates. this place was nice, it had air con which is awesome cos the temps here are 27min - 33max everyday! I'm still adjusting to the climate. they played good music and songs i knew :)

We then went to Heritage. Its a club that's inside a hotel, they don't let you in if you don't have proper shoes on and if you're not respectable. its 50 bucks to get in which is a little expensive but worth every penny. Its pretty much like a club back home in South Africa. Good music, interesting people (all friendly), its clean and run extremely well! i met a guy and girl from New Zealand and had a lekka chat about the rugby world cup that's on its way. i found it cool that i was standing having a argument with these guys, one from New Zealand and Adam from Australia -our two biggest rivals in rugby- about who's going to win the World Cup. BUT we ALL know the Bokke are the best team around!

We then went to a venue just down the road from my place. i cant really make my mind up about it though. its was OK. nice people, cheap drinks, ok music (just extremely loud) and way to full! Crazy hot and humid! I got over that fairly quickly  but i have to say it was a good experience to go to a place that all the locals go to. Arrived home at 4am - Tops night!

 The locals here are crazy about Lucky Dube. When ever i say I'm from SA (always) their first response is, "AHHHhh we love Lucky Dube!" its a real nice feeling. even though I'm hundreds of kilometers from home i still feel proudly South African every single day! even though this island is super cool I'm missing SA so, sooo much! I'm missing all my friends! My dog :"( awe... i love you peeps like crazy!! i just want to say that i feel really privileged to have just over 600 views on my blog in only 12 posts! thanks for following and i hope you guys enjoy reading about the Solomons as much as i enjoy writing about it!

A patrol boat given to the Solomon islands by the Australian military

waiting for a lift home

Sunset from the house

99% of locals own on of these, ok not really- but there are a shit load of them

Thursday, 25 August 2011

173 Days

Not a very productive day. lol. i just helped Neil with a few odds and ends with the scuba shop. he wants to make a mooring buoy for his boat because all the locals keep stealing them and using them for pot plants and crazy things like that *face palm*. I downloaded google sketch up and worked on a lil project of designing him one. i must say it looks dam shweet! dimensioned and everything! i was quite impressed with myself (o_0) 

sorry for the short blog but nothing really crazy and exciting happened.

here are some more pictures from my trip so far:

Beautiful blue sea

The hi way - speed limit 50km/h

Shells i picked up on my first dive. got home and crabs came out to play (kinda) and then died :(

Local women traditional dance

Cool dog (o_0)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

174 Days

I went on my 5th dive today with Neil and Sam, and explored more of the ship wreck (i apologize for the incorrect information i posted in one of my earlier blogs- the ship wreck is actually 150m long - pretty darn big!). I went to a depth of 32 metres which was was amazing! upon entering one of the gaping holes in the ship i scratched the back of my leg on a piece of rusted metal that protruded. at first i thought the rusted metal had left black marks and so i started to rub it vigorously to try get these marks off. The more i rubbed it the more black it would get. i came to the realisation that the depth we were at colours seem to change/fade. the first colour to disappear is red and the black marks on my leg were in fact blood (o_0) lol was kinda cool in a way? i saw many weird and wonderful things on this dive. i saw my very first star fish- its was a light blue colour :p a clown fish tail whipped my regulator (my mouth piece) cos i was trying to catch one of the little ones, it was quite funny.

later that evening i went to the yacht club. its the only place here that has a dress code :p you have to be wearing any form of shoes and not wearing a wife beater (vest), lol. i watched the sun set and had a few beers by myself - it was all to amazing. Yolande joined me a little later for supper after she had finished work. i had a burger that was soooo good :)

they had a raffle running and asked for a volunteer to come up and draw the lucky winner. seeing as it was my first time there i decided i would do it. it was a little nerve racking at first but it was good fun handing out the prizes to the winners :) shortly after we had a local school perform some traditional dances. it was very exciting and i got a a lil snap happy with my camera, lol. they called on the audience to come up and dance but everyone was so rapped up in there conversations that not many people did. A sweet young girl came up to me and asked me if i would like to have a dance with her (if you don't know, i don't dance very well). i knew i wouldn't get this sort of opportunity again and didn't want to regret not doing it. so i stood up, she took my hand and practically dragged me onto the dance floor. i had so much fun (looking like an idiot) - all the locals were making jokes on how white men cant dance. its was kinda hard cos the were playing their traditional music (o_0) at the end of the dance she gave me her lei - it was really beautiful and the flowers smelt amazing!

oh and good news... Yolande said i could post a few more pictures :) i hope you like them (from today)

The Lonely Bench

Clam Seas

Sitting, Watching, Waiting

School boys traditional dance

My Lei

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

175 Days

This day was really uneventful and i woke up extremely late. I had two classes with Neil concerning my Open Water Dive course. I spent a lot of the afternoon reflecting on life and playing guitar (o_0) Had one two many beers and passed out to a movie.

missed you all too much today!

Monday, 22 August 2011

176 Days

I didn't have to wake up at any specific time so i decided to sleep in a lil bit :) it was gooood :) when i eventually came round i had a cup of coffee and a smoke to start off my day. i went down stairs and Neil was teaching a lecture in the Advanced Diving course and thought to my self, I'm going to be doing this soon enough that i might as well get a head start and start taking the information in :) it's pretty simple stuff but the locals here don't really seem to click as quickly as i do, then again i have basically been living in water all my life.

Shortly after the lecture Sam wanted to show me a little around town, but before i get to that let me tell you who Sam is and what he's all about. To put it in black and white, he has his head screwed on straight! he is a gentleman, kind hearted, ambitious (not like any of the other locals here) and has a passion for diving. He started here at the dive shop about a year ago and didn't have enough money to pay for the courses. Niel asked him if he would be interested in working to pay it off and ever since he's been passionate about what he does. He has never missed a day of work and is always on time! In the last few days he has looked after me and made me feel more at home than i could ever imagined. he is funny and always puts a smile on my face. its really nice having a conversation with him and i can converse with him for hours on end! His home language is called Wontok (one-talk), its kinda a broken English and is REALLY hard to get used to. I really take my hat off to him because the people here on the island find it really hard to speak English and he makes the time of day for me.

Anyway, he took me to town and showed me all the cool shops to go to. where to buy and where not to buy. The locals here all take a drug called Beetle nut. its a nut that you eat with a little bit of lime that causes a chemical reaction in your mouth that gives you a drunk sensation (not that I've tried it). It makes your mouth go red! its really bad to swallow this stuff so the locals just spit it out everywhere. this leaves red stains on the pavements, on walls, EVERYWHERE! its disgusting! we went to the market which is the size of a rugby field with a roof over it (kind of like a flea market back home) they sell all types of weird and wonderful things there. Fruits that you'd normally get aren't the same colour and are extremely juicey! they are 100% all natural! i came across a birds egg - like a chicken egg but 3 times bigger that they get from an island one hour boat ride from here. The island was formed by a volcano and is still active (o_0) these birds dig a hole about a metre deep and lay their only egg in it. with the heat of the lava flowing under ground it keeps the egg warm until its time to hatch. i found this quite interesting :p

I felt a bit like royalty walking through the town. kinda like a famous movie star, lol. all the girls here check you out and giggle behind your back once you've walked passed them. The men here treat them like dogs - literally! its horrendous!There is a lot of woman abuse and is not frowned upon(o_0) no body takes much note of it cause its been going on for so long or that there is no discipline what-so-eva! So when the local girls see a foreigner i guess they see it as a way out. it's very sad and i wish i could do something to change that.

On the way home i bought some fresh hot coconut bread! it was dam amazing! we took a taxi home that cost only 3 dollars (about 3 rand) the driver was extremely friendly and we chatted about the South African soccer world cup. everyone here are big soccer fans :) they would stay awake until 2am just to watch the matches that were playing! now that's dedication!

My mate Sam wearing my shades.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

177 Days

So i got up fairly early and was back at the dive site to complete my Open Water Diver course with the militants from the day before. The sun was out and it was a good day to be in the water. We all got suited up fairly quickly and were in the water in minutes :)

We did all our drills in our first dive which takes about an hour. got out the water to change tanks and were back in the water a few minutes later to do a little bit of exploring on the wreck :) it was so epic! i saw my first sting ray, it was about half a metre long. Its such a peaceful creature.

With the open water course that I'm doing, you're not aloud to exceed 18m and at one point i checked my computer and it was 20.6m under - OOPS :p if Neil (my dive instructor) had found out i would of been in beeeeg shit, lol. nobody tell him. I sincerely hope he doesn't read this blog. haha

I found some clown fishies and the coral that it lives in (or what ever you call it), if you touch it they actually suck onto your fingers and the clown fish will slap you with there tails. haha, its such a cool feeling (o_0) we all traveled over the wreck and started coming up the other side.

Half way along the wreck it had a gaping hole from a bomb shell that must of hit it. We entered and swam through the hull. Throughout the dive a lot of fish swim up to you and check you out -they are very inquisitive creatures and i think its because most of them don't know what you are or have never seen divers before. So, as we were swimming through the hull i came across this bright yellow fish (15cm in length and 8cm in height) that came up pretty close. the lil bugga started biting me even though I'm like a thousand times bigger than he is! the more i tried to push him away, the more he'd came back for more! Strange lil thing he is.

One of the girls i was diving with had a under water camera, we got a little distracted taking photos of everything that we lost the other part of the group, lol. Neil was not very impressed! with her being in the army its a bit difficult to keep in contact with them :( I'd really like to have some of the photos we took so maybe i can post them on here. I'm going to try my best though, so we'll see what happens. but at the end of the day what an awesome experience and it was nice to hang out with people my own age again.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

178 Days - My First Dive (o_0)

So Neil said i was able to do my first dive and gave me all the paper work to fill out. when filling out these surety forms i came across a bunch of medical questions. most of them had a "no" answer to it but came across a question asking if i've ever had a collapsed lung and i had to answer "yes" - long story behind that but, yea wont go into it. Neil was extremely concerned and made me phone my dad (midnight - because im 9 hours ahead of all you peeps back home) to find out the ins and outs of the condition i had had. My dad had reassured me that everything was A-OK and once Neil was chilled about it we were off to the ship wreck (previously mentioned in my blogs).

On arrival i met the students that were going to be diving with me. All of them were from the Australian military. there were 3 boys and 7 gals -one was quite hot- lol... if i had to die diving, this day would be it :p haha we split up into two groups and did a few drills before we actually went exploring the wreck. with being a swimmer all my life i'd forget to breathe under water (lol) it takes some getting used to!

I'd like to tell you all about my scuba diving experience but it has left me speechless. I read a passage that pretty much describes how i feel, so here it goes: 

It feels strange the first time. The mask. The awkward gear, a bit heavy. You ease into the water and your face slips below the surface.

Inhale; the air comes with a reassuring hiss, and for the first time, you breathe underwater. In moments, you forget the mask.

The equipment transforms to light and agile, and you're free like you've never experienced before. With that first underwater breath, the door opens to a different world. Not a world apart, but different nonetheless.

Go through that door. Your life will never be the same.

No one but you can say what calls you to scuba diving.
If you seek adventure, you'll find plenty, whether it's in a sunken ship as you uncover its secrets, in a far corner of the world amid other peoples and cultures, or in your backyard - closer than you imagined possible.

If you love nature, you've come to the the right place.
No other environment approaches the abundance, diversity and vibrancy of a pristine coral reef. You can see more different species in ten minutes there than in ten hours in the most unspoiled wildernesses above water.

But with time, you'll discover that even unlikely places that seem empty and sterile to the inexperienced eye - like a lake or flooded quarry - teem with intriguing organisms - a reminder that nature's imagination exceeds ours.

If discovery drives you, welcome to inner space.
It's somewhat cliché, yet true, that we know the surface of the moon better than we know the bottoms of the oceans. Even at the most popular dive sites, you'll see things most people never see and go where most people ever go. Even with hundreds of dives under your belt, visiting a new dive site thrills you with discovery, and visiting a familiar one is a bit like coming home.

And scuba diving means rising to new challenges. It's one of the rare activities that deliver adrenaline and intensity, or serenity and peace.

You can take on challenges requiring training, planning and focus: searching for and recovering lost objects, descending to 100 feet (if your diving level permits) or exploring your favorite dive site after sunset.

Or you can drift along in some of the world's most tranquil and beautiful settings, with your biggest immediate worry whether you want to stop and photograph that star fish or not.

Either way, diving grows with you - there's always somewhere new to explore, something new to see, some new way to enjoy the experiences. No other endeavor so easily matches exactly what you're up for, right now, tomorrow, and ten years from now. You cannot outgrow it.

You've probably seen photos, television and films about diving, but until you do it yourself, you can't really understand what it's like. Nothing on earth matches the sensations you experience - the thrill of breathing underwater, the freedom of "weightlessness", and unique sights and sounds.

this passage describes the feeling i had :)

it was overcast the whole day and had some tropical rain storms later that evening. the humidity killed me!

179 Days

From all the snorkeling i did the day before i was really beat! i really didn't really want to get out of bed, lol. Yolande came in and asked if i wanted to tag along with her friends (Jeff and Bev) to a dive site they were going to almost on the other side of the island. Just her mentioning the word "dive" i was up and ready to go in minutes =D i packed my snorkeling gear into the truck and we were on our way.

We eventually got to this place. it was basically in the middle of a village, i felt quite bad just parking there and doing our own thing. but soon we were reassured by the greetings we received by the locals! everyone waves and says hello like a hundred thousand times, its crazy - and tiring :p

After finishing my smoke i went into the water with my gear to find Jeff and Bev that had entered before me . I had some difficulty doing so because there is a river entering the sea right where i got in and when fresh water from the river mixes with salt water it makes the water very murky and difficult to see through. so I ended up just sitting on the truck with Sam (one of the locals that work for Neil) waiting for J&B to come back from a world war 2 plane that's apparently there? I'll go back one day to find it (o_0)

Later that afternoon i enjoyed playing my guitar on the balcony with a Solbrew (the local beer you get here)

WOW. I really miss home and all my specials! aww, and my rock star :"( i miss her dearly

Thursday, 18 August 2011

180 Days

I woke up fairly early, i was super excited to go to the beach. I helped Neil (my aunts husband) load the truck with scuba gear -he is a diving instructor- for his student's open water exam. All his students were from the military and the government is funding them to do the PADI scuba diving course with the intention of saving some endangered species. normally this exam would be done in a swimming pool with a depth of 18m but we don't have that sort of thing here, so we just end up doing it in the ocean -its a really BIG swimming pool :) lol

Neil likes to dive at a site down the road (+/-2km) cos the water is very clear and the sea is not too rough. i quite like this place too, it has tons of history. on this site there is a ship that was fired upon and hit in WWII. apparently what they would do is accelerate and embank itself on the beach to try and save as many lives as possible. the wreck is about 10m out and a starting at a depth of 5m, its length is about 40m with its deepest point at about 57m. The amount of wild life on this wreck is phenomenal!

while all the students were doing scuba drills i was snorkeling and doing my own thing :p the water was a lot hotter than what i expected! its like climbing into a bath! I'm able to hold my breath up to 10.5m -was quite stoked about that. I'm sure you've all seen the movie "Finding Nemo?" -- Guess what---- I FOUND HIM =D fascinating lil bugga he is!

First day on the beach

181 Days

Rod woke me up at about 6am and i had a smoke with him and stef before i had to go to the airport. haha was quite funny cos stef was getting so irritated with all his silly lil comments to everything :p she's like me in the morning. . . A grumpy monkey, lol =D

I arrived at the airport in time and had to buy some Kahlua from a duty free shop for my aunt. i got two 750ml bottles that amounted to R700! i was quite shocked! when i boarded the planed i was seated in the second last isle. the engines started and we started our taxi to the runway. As you all know i hate flying (o_0) this lady seated behind me started screaming "stop the plane! STOP the plane! I wanna get off!" now I'm sure you can all imagine what this had done to me. I started freaking out like the plane was gonna crash or something! you don't even understand how many prayers i said in those few minutes before take off! my hands actually hurt from grasping the arm rests so hard! but the take off was smooth and there was actually nothing to be worried about.

After 4 or so hours of flying i landed in Honiara - Solomon Islands. i was ecstatic that i had finally reached my destination after 4 days of traveling! As i took my first step off the plane onto the tarmac i was blown away by the heat and humidity (33*c and 100% humidity)!! this definitely would take some getting used to! after going through customs i was met by my aunt (Yolande). I was really happy to see a face i knew after 4 whole days. we traveled along the only tared road to her home on the beach front :)

We crossed a river called the "Car Wash", its called that because in World War 2 the military tanks would drive into that river to be cleaned. it is still used today as a car wash, the locals drive there cars into the river and park. they use the water for washing and rinsing purposes.

 i spent the rest of the day unpacking and making myself at home.

The car wash with rusted parts in it (o_0)

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

182 Days

I had the pleasure of meeting Rod's second daughter (Maxine 21) shortly after having breakfast that stef had made for us:) i had one full day to spend in Brisbane and stef and max (for short) wanted to show me a lil of what there country was all about. we headed our way down to the gold coast. on arrival we took a stroll down the beach and i couldn't tell it apart from a beach we'd get back home, just that everyone had an accent.

After spending about an hour sight seeing we embarked on a journey down the coast to find a beach we could take their dog :) on our way we stoped at a drive through bottle store. it was so effen cool! you don't even have to get out your car to buy any drinks =D we bought a few local beers to try which weren't all that bad... nothing like a black label though... the sun was setting and we decided we would stop at a mac-dee's, i asked the guys behind the counter for a super size fries, the guy said "HUH" and proceeded to look at me like i was crazy, lol. they only make small, medium and large? sorry i found this quite strange, i guess they don't have big dutch men like us in SA with big tummies to feed.

Later on that evening the girls wanted to show me a night out on the town. we were picked up by a cab, then picked up one of stef's friends and were on our way. We partied at some place in the city- it was nice, it had like a Cool Runnings vibe to it. Down stairs they had a band playing some African tunes - quite honestly it sounded like shit, lol. nothing like home =D we then took a cab to 'The Valley'. which is an area dedicated to the night life of Australia. On this block there were about 20-25 clubs and bars on it! it was insane. there was so much going on there that I'd be sitting here for days typing about it. at about 2am we decided to call it a night but had to get some munchies first:) Stef and I got these HUGE pizza slices for 7 dollars each, which is pretty expensive but worth every cent! just thinking about it makes my mouth water(o_0)

Rod made it clear that we had to be home early so i could be up in time for my flight at 7am, lol. Only ended up getting home at 3. it was all worth it though! thanks Stef and Max - you guys rock my socks! 

183 Days

After only 3 hours sleep on the South African Airline's plane they woke us up for breakfast. I looked at my watch and it was only 4am South African time, i thought these people were on drugs! lol, but after opening the window shutter i almost got blinded by the sun! We had flown so far ahead of time the sun was already at about 8am, i realised i was the person on drugs :p lol...

We had quite a scary landing with side winds and rain between 60-100km/h - i have to admit i said a few prayers! i was scared for my life but came out ok =D once we had landed some stupid Australian started a slow clap? i mean really? he must of been really happy to be home, to his dismay no one followed and he sat there clapping to himself... haha what a tool (o_0)

On arrival i had to go through customs, these dam Aus people treat you like a criminal like you've done something wrong before even opening your mouth! I was questioned and had my bags searched for any illegal possessions... they almost didn't let me go through because i was carrying a few packs of Bob Martins for my aunts cats. They had no clue what they were and after telling them to Google it they let me through. So what you see on the Discovery channel about Aus border patrol - Believe it!

I then checked in for my flight from Perth to Brisbane (using Quantas Airlines) and had to pay 30 aus dollars (R210) for my guitar (o_0) when S.A.A let me carry it on for free! Dam punks! I'll never go there again! Eventually after watching the two shittiest movies on the plane i landed in BNE and was picked up by Rod Little and taken back it his beautiful and interesting home in Queensland. His daughter Stef (24) arrived home shortly after that and I ended up talking to her for hours before going to bed =D Awesome gal!


Monday, 15 August 2011

184 Days

This is my very first post (sorry I'm a few days behind) please bare with me, I've never done this sort of thing before (o_0) lol

On Sunday i caught the Gautrain with my foks from the Sandton train station to O.R.Tambo International Airport... if you ever have a chance to catch the Gautrain I'd really recommend it! such an  awesome experience and i truly feel proudly South African!

After spending a few hours in the airport checking in my luggage, sorting out my Australian VISA (mission), having supper and drinks with my rents it was time to say good bye. this was a lot harder than i expected =/ they kinda made it easier for me by basically pushing me through the doors... lol

I had a few hours to kill and really needed to calm my nerves, so i decided I'd have a few cigarettes in the ONLY smoking lounge in international departures. i met two extraordinary people (mike and GF) visiting from America, they were very funny and ended up buying me a few beers (YAY) haha... they made me realise that the world is sooo much bigger and exciting than S.A with all there stories they have experienced. i got so lost in their conversation (and the beer) that i almost missed my flight, lol... typical me :p

we took off with S.A.A. heading to Perth, Australia. they served supper and had a lekka chat with one of the air hostesses in the -what u call it?- kitchen area, which was very cool... then crashed and slept like a friken champ! i had both window seats to myself =D